


Swearing, Nudity and Other Vulnerable Position

Wed (04:30 PM - 06:00 PM)


This month John Le Drew, host of the Agile Path podcast is previewing his talk about safety - and it looks great.

Also, Agile Yorkshire regulars Sean Craig and Chris Cheadle will be presenting an experience report on an innovation experiment they ran within the NHS.

They'll be sharing their insight - warts and all.


Swearing, Nudity and Other Vulnerable Positions
Over 3 months John recorded over 60 hours of interviews and spoke to some of the most respected people in the industry to produce an audio documentary that attempts to answer the question “What is safety? And why is it important anyway?”. This highly interactive talk will present the findings and guide and challenge you through a journey to understanding safety. This talk has grown as John created the new podcast The Agile Path. The first season on this podcast is about safety in teams. John has interviewed world renowned specialists in the field Christopher Avery, David Marquet, Jerry Weinberg, Esther Derby, Johanna Rothman, Woody Zuill and many more in over 60 hours of audio. This has been a fascinating deep dive learning experience for John and he hopes to explore these insights with the audience.
John Le Drew
John has over 17 years of experience working in software engineering as a system administrator, software engineer, technical lead, technical director, development manager and agile coach. He currently runs the consultancy firm Wise Noodles here he helps organisations solve tough technical problems by untangling their people problems. He is also host of The Agile Path Podcast which creates in-depth audio documentaries on the topics that most affect organisations transitioning to agile ways of working.
Firebreak Tall Tales - A Break From Routine
Towards the end of last year, we decided to remove as many constraints as possible and let our let team at NHS.UK work on what they wanted for 2 weeks. We borrowed the idea, and the name, from GOV.UK but of course they weren't the first and won't be the last. This is our story. What worked, what didn't, what we will do differently next time and why we think you might want to consider one where you work.
Chris Cheadle
Apart from two years as an International Account Manager for software sales, Chris has been leading project delivery in both the public and private sector since 1996. During the early 2000s Chris developed a passion for improving how organisations work and has strived to combine delivery with effectiveness and efficiency improvements since. Accredited in 2004 for leading the capability maturity improvement in both delivery marques at level 3 by the APMGroup; a world first. In October 2009, he joined the team delivering the www.nhs.uk website and since January 2011 he has been leading the project and programme teams at NHS Choices. Sean is an experienced leader of software development teams with over 20 years’ experience in technical roles with organisations such as Kellogg’s, IBM, Yorkshire Water, Asda, Department of Health and currently dev manager for NHS.UK at NHS Digital. An agile and lean advocate and implementer and he’s transformed teams from waterfall to agile in multiple organisations.