


Transformations and Do Estimates Make us Safer?

Tue (04:00 PM - 05:00 PM)


Agile Yorkshire is back. We've had a few months off to recharge the batteries with everything in standby, but the boot loader has been re-invoked and we've spun up with a December event to round off the year.

There's plenty of work going on behind the scenes to bring a great program of speakers for 2020 and we'll have more announcements to make soon.

We have two great presentations from two great speakers to top off the year and a great new venue in the William Hill offices in the St. John's Centre on Merrion Street in Leeds - register a place now, space is limited.


Do Estimates Make Us Safer
Many teams estimate work to make development safer - to avoid committing to more than they can deliver. But safety features can be dangerous if not used correctly. I'll be looking at some of the ways estimates can be misused and what you can do about it.
Malcolm South
Malcolm is a Product Owner specialising in fintech at Equiniti Credit Services
1, 2, 3 Transformations More
In this talk Kev will cover the journey of Transformation from not only current places of work but also former. Looking at why they fail, and what the common themes are. There will be areas that you will see in your own organisation and this will be a change for people to share their views on the transformations they are on or have been on. How many transformations does one company need to become a continuous improvement organisation where the normal is transformation all the time, and not just BIG BANG FLOPs
Kev McCabe
Kev McCabe has been working as an agile coach at William Hill since March 2018. Working on multiple transformation initiatives over this time. Kev works with multiple teams and helps them improve their ways of working by listening to the team and being a servant leader to help them self organise and find the solutions for their selves. Focusing on technical and business metrics to drive the right mindsets to delight our customers.