


Using Technical Experience & Judgement to Commercial Effect

Wed (04:30 PM - 05:30 PM)


A dive into some product development economics and tactical risk management that delivery teams might employ to improve their commercial effectiveness. Resources are never infinite and any marketplace is continually changing. Every delivery team works within a commercial context whether they are aware of it or not and can influence better delivery outcomes by thinking about their skill and


Using Technical Experience and Judgement to Commercial Effect
A dive into some product development economics and tactical risk management that delivery teams might employ to improve their commercial effectiveness. Resources are never infinite and any marketplace is continually changing. Every delivery team works within a commercial context whether they are aware of it or not and can influence better delivery outcomes by thinking about their skill and experience as an asset and the business context as a design constraint. We'll be talking about real world examples throughout.
Royd Brayshay
Royd is a co-founder of NewRedo, a software product development company focused on customer-centric solutions and iterative delivery. He has organised the Agile Yorkshire community group for many years (rarely speaking himself!) and runs workshops for teams on lean / agile ways of working.
Agile Puts Customers First, Why Don’t You?
Engineering teams are often the furthest removed from the customer, especially as companies grow. Without the customer as the North Star, it is easy for us to get carried away building over complicated solutions that are challenging to deploy, uses technology we cannot support and when finally delivered, does not have the desired customer impact. These are the fundamental reasons that over 50% of software built is never used. We’ve been there, we’ve lived the tale and can tell the story about coming out the other end. This talk intends to do just that.
Jason Simpson
Jason is an engineering leader & agile coach and has been a material part of the large scale transformation at anaplan. He is passionate about successful agile implementations and building out scalable and resilient software architectures that solve real problems for customers in line with LEAN principles. Jasons experience spans many industries including betting and gaming, advertising and SaaS, working at and supporting companies as small as 5 people to 1000+.