Lauren Ackroyd | It's Not You, It's Me | Agile Yorkshire July 2024 |

Lauren Ackroyd | It's Not You, It's Me | Agile Yorkshire July 2024 |

In this session, Lauren Ackroyd, an experienced Scrum Master with a decade of expertise, inspires you to rethink your approach to team improvement. Titled "It's Not You, It's Me," Lauren explored the idea that Scrum Masters often focus on changing their teams—experimenting with new methods, enhancing efficiency and delivering more value. But what if the key to greater impact lies in shifting that focus inward? Lauren discussed how disrupting your own ways of working can lead to better outcomes for your teams. With a passion for coaching, learning, and sharing knowledge, Lauren aims to help you develop your coaching skills and deepen your self-awareness for more effective leadership.